
MAGENTA/PURPLE: Altona Pier Ride.

Sat, 2 Mar 2024
from 9:15am to 12:30pm

by Tina Mccarthy
Posted: 11 months ago
Updated: 10 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: None
Ends: 12:30pm (duration is about 3 hours)

Your Ride Leader is Tina 0412 993 650, all enquiries for this ride to Tina. Cancellation of the ride due to weather will be made via Team App.

Have you seen the new Altona Pier? It’s stunning and you can even ride you bike on it (until they put signs up of course!). We will meet at the usual location Newman Street Playground in Kensington, then head via path and mostly road to Altona. This will be a predominantly road ride travelling at around 24kmphr, the upper end of Magenta… we’ll go faster if we can and hope for a tail wind! Grab a coffee, a milkshake or an ice cream to enjoy on the jetty before we return mostly via path.

Distance: ~45km
Level: Magenta and Purple
Start: Newman Street Playground, cnr Newman Street and Mercantile Parade, Kensington (lots of parking)
Bring: Mask, sanitiser, lights, strong lock, spare tube, water bottle, money for coffee

New riders are welcome, we have a come-and-try program of 3 rides before you need to become a member. Please see our website to determine what level of ride suits you.

By RSVPing to this ride, you agree to the conditions set out on the sign-in form found in the TeamApp documents section. If you have any signs of runny nose or scratchy throat, please be kind to yourself and others and opt to stay home. Thanks!

NOTE: If rides have less than 4 riders the Ride Leader reserves the right to cancel – riders will be notified.


47 Newman St, Kensington VIC 3031, Australia


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