30 Mar 2021 by Tina McCarthy

Wheel Women is on the lookout for more Ride Leaders…whether you’re from Melbourne, regional Victoria or somewhere interstate we don’t mind. We’d like to know about you if you love riding and have a passion to see more women build a community centred around bikes.

All our Ride Leader roles are voluntary and Wheel Women runs as a social enterprise…that means we put human interest before profit – helping women choose a healthy and active lifestyle is our aim. We provide as much training as we can, though granted if you’re in outback Queensland this will be tricky! But we’d like to think we can support you as much as we can. You could be a road rider or a mountain biker…we don’t mind!

You don’t need to be an A+ rider, or the fastest or the one who gets to the top of the hill first, but you do need to have a good level of experience and it really helps if you have First Aid and any coaching qualifications.

For some Ride Leaders, coaching is also their thing and we love that if you have the qualifications. For those who wish to coach there is opportunity to be paid for the coaching when we get paid to run courses. It isn’t regular work, but it means some extra cash for new kit sometimes!

If you think this sounds like the coolest role ever (because it is), then apply below before Friday 9th April…we know there are some of you out there that this role is just made for!

APPLY HERE: https://tinyurl.com/eevw5spt

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